Industrial & commercial infrared heating
Efficient infrared heating across a wide range of industrial and commercial applications—from warehouses and workshops, to churches, factories and zoological enclosures.
Infrared heating when and where you need it
Unlike traditional convection or gas heating systems, shortwave infrared heating can be installed cost-effectively and cut down energy costs by up to 70%. This makes infrared the ideal industrial heating choice for a wide range of applications.
Our SunSwitch® commercial heating systems have been designed to work effectively across the following areas:

SunSwitch offers the only ATEX-approved infrared heater in the world, which is safe to use in potentially explosive environments such as repair shops, boatyards, spray painting booths and wood working environments.

Keeping a congregation warm can be tricky. Infrared heaters offer one of the best ways to heat a church and keep it comfortable, no matter how high the ceilings may be.

Provide a complete basking zone solution for zoo and farm animals as well as those kept as pets.

With their large opening doors, high ceilings and large floor spaces it can be hard to keep workers warm inside vehicle body shops and repair centres. Our range of infrared heaters provide the perfect solution.

Infrared offers the best way to heat a warehouse, keeping your workers warm and happy all year round. The immediate heat provided by SunSwitch heaters is unparalleled in the industry.

Keep your workers and their equipment warm in large open spaces, no matter the weather. Infrared heat isn’t impacted by the wind, so efficiency won’t decrease when factory doors open and close.

Our shortwave infrared heaters provide targeted heat that’s perfect for the dynamic nature of a workshop—with immediate heat when and where you need it.

Safe and efficient heating systems for healthy, happy livestock. Suitable for farm animals of all breeds and sizes, including poultry, sheep and cattle.

SunSwitch infrared heaters are an optimal solution for heating greenhouses and nurseries to aid the growth of healthy crops.

Industrial processes require carefully controlled temperatures, including plastics processing, food manufacturing, and glass production. Our precision controls allow for measured infrared heating to suit your needs.

Shortwave infrared heaters can be used across construction sites to speed up the drying and curing process of materials, as well as keeping workers comfortable in colder months.

SunSwitch’s range of high quality infrared heaters are the optimal heating solution for community and village halls, due to them being powerful, economically efficient and provide immediate warmth.

Even with roller doors and vast floorspace, infrared heaters provide an industrial heating solution to keep aircraft hangers warm and comfortable for all occupants whenever they’re required.

Keep your clientele warm and happy all year round with powerful and efficient electric radiant heating.

Infrared heaters can target specific areas and only heat the occupants of your sports hall, keeping everybody warm during moments of downtime.

Our specialised infrared heaters provide industrial heating in challenging conditions. They’re designed to withstand salt sprays and bad weather—ideal for superyachts, ferries and cruise ships.

The HYPOTHERMSAVE infrared heater is used by emergency services personnel to provide immediate heat and comfort in high-stress situations, aiding individuals with injuries or in shock.
Using local warming in your industrial heating system
Infrared heaters use the ‘local warming’ method to heat any commercial space, which works far more effectively than traditional convection heaters.
They do this by using shortwave infrared technology to create a ‘heat bubble’. This heats the people within a space rather than the air itself, and is perfect for heating churches or warehouses that may have high ceilings or doors that constantly open and close throughout the day.
By using local warming, infrared heaters provide:
- Efficient heat that only targets the individuals within an industrial space
- Measurable warmth that can be adapted to suit the needs of a room
- Cost-savings when compared to inefficient convection technology

Upgrade your industrial heating
SunSwitch only supply infrared heaters that are incredibly efficient and can save you up to 70% on your energy costs compared to traditional warm air heating systems.

Quote & Expert Advice
Not sure which infrared heaters and air coolers are right for you? No problem!
Our complimentary Expert Advice Service will help you to understand which heating products are best suited to your industrial space.

SunSwitch Infrared Heating truly is an effective, money-saving heating solution, suitable for a wide range of Industrial, Commercial and Retail environments.
Our heaters provide immediate warmth where and when you need it with low, calculable running costs, saving you up to 70% on heating costs compared to traditional air heating systems.
The use of short-wave infrared technology makes it possible to create Local Warming—a ‘heat bubble’ to heat a specific area where people are present, only when necessary and only for as long as necessary. The heat is not affected by the movement of air caused, for example by doors and windows being opened and closed, or stratification, where warm air rises—a big problem when trying to provide heat in large spaces.
This not only saves you energy and money but also provides far more comfortable working conditions, which is why so many people and businesses are switching from gas and oil to our effective, eco-friendly and inexpensive to run heating solutions.